People’s professional desires are changing, get locum work
No longer does the idea of being a ‘lifer’ much appeal to the majority of today’s younger workforce. Rather, mobility and work-life balance are two of the key concerns for ‘millennials’ when choosing a career- positions that allow the potential for consistent earning, whilst being flexible in their demanded hours, are among the most desired. Get locum work now!
We no longer live in a 9-5 world, and studies show that, despite reaching for less traditional hours, Generation Y are more likely to take their work home with them due to the ‘always on’ nature of their online-based lifestyle.
The high-degree of job-hopping amongst younger workers displays that they aren’t willing to settle for unfulfillment, even in the short-term, and don’t view a high wage as the primary deciding factor in their career decisions. Serving a social purpose is crucial, as well as having opportunities for personal and professional progression.
But these young professionals aren’t the only ones seeking an alternative from the anchored and archaic regime that has been the norm for so long- in fact their lack of complacency is infectious. So it comes as no surprise that many healthcare professionals are turning their hand to locum work, owing to increased flexibility and a lack of administrative and logistical obstacles that can sometimes diminish performance and enthusiasm in permanent positions. A locum is a self-employed, fully-qualified healthcare professional that fills-in when other staff are either absent or under-provided.
If they choose to pick up work on a full-time basis, the earning potential for a locum doing locum work may be beyond the wage of a permanent employee- without the unforeseen overtime. Sounds ideal, right?

Here at Team Locum we find work for hundreds of optometrists and pharmacists each week, and the ability to update one’s availability for work online via our website ensures the utmost flexibility when seeking shifts. As the mediator between locum and client, it is our responsibility to ensure that all involved are getting our most attentive and scrutinous service, as well as the best from each other.
This discerning approach of ours has gone a long way in building our communicative and transparent relationship with all who utilise our service, and that shows in the quality of work delivered by our locums- individuals that are driven by commitment and passion, not just earnings.
Whilst Team Locum primarily places Optometrists and Pharmacists into work, they are not the only two professions that have found great benefit in become self-employed.
Locum GPs and Doctors have been practicing for years, and we are seeing an increase in interest among Vets, Radiographers, Dentists, Carers, Healthcare/Laboratory Assistants and Histologists! Some locums see it as a means to expand their professional repertoire before finding a permanent placement- gaining as much experience as possible in many different environments before deciding which suits them best.
On the other end of the spectrum, some enter locum work as the tail-end of their career as they prepare for retirement. And working as a locum isn’t mutually exclusive from being in a permanent position- many locums simply pick up a shift here and there around their current job in order to supplement their income and inject some variety into their career!
Optoms and pharmacists- put an end to your wishful thinking. Highly paid and highly flexible work is waiting, and Team Locum can show you where.