Grant has been with team locum for 6 years in this time he has run the gamut of positions, now we sit down and talk permanent recruitment!
Getting his start in Locum optometry, gained great experience in recruitment learning the ropes and gaining great traction within the business forging great relationships with locums and clients alike along the way!
From here he moved to pharmacy, helping the desks go from strength to strength. Helping it get to where it is now, making it more successful than ever,
It was only natural after the years that he wanted to try his hand at something new, and he saw permanent recruitment as a great move, so let’s hear from the man himself;
“Growing up, recruitment wasn’t something that I’d planned on doing if I’m honest. I moved from a small town on the other side of England and a Trainee Recruitment Consultant position popped up which I liked the sound of. I interviewed, got the job, and here I am 6 and a half years later!”
What initially piqued my interest was the fast paced nature of the temp side, everyday was fresh and exciting dealing with 100’s of bookings per day and subsequently speaking with 100’s of clients and locums.
The exciting nature of the role, coupled with the support I was receiving from management is definitely what kept me in the role.
Without the management I think that I realistically would have felt out of my depth and easily could have drowned under the workload, but with tips and tricks on how to streamline and improve what I was doing both in the job and in recruitment itself was something which helped me massively.
Optometry was definitely the division which I loved the most, but I also spent quite some time in the Pharmacy division which I also grew to love.

After a few years passed an opportunity to join our newly created Permanent division arose and I jumped at it with both hands, seeing that as a natural step of progression for me – and I haven’t looked back since.
I think the reputation and relationships that I formed whilst in the Locum division has really helped me as it’s a great candidate pool for the Permanent division; not only that but it’s also good to keep up with the ever changing (especially at the moment) industries.
Now I find that helping people find permanent jobs is incredibly rewarding and satisfying – previously I was helping healthcare professionals find day shifts and now helping them find permanent roles that satisfy their needs is even more rewarding to me”