Working with a locum agency to find work in Wales

Quick couple from the GPHC that should be easy enough to tick off your list and as a locum pharmacist already will have been done, you might want to skip to the next header.
You need to complete a degree in pharmacy that is accredited by the GPHC. I assume that’s a given
After successfully completing your degree course, you will need to complete a ‘pre-registration year’ in a pharmacy setting.
Another done deal!
When you have completed the pre-registration year, you need to sit the GPhC or Pharmaceutical Society of Northern Ireland (PSNI) registration exam. You must pass this exam before you can join the GPhC/PSNI Register.
This goes over what they say to start becoming a locum pharmacist with a pharmacy locum agency in Wales, or… anywhere really.
Now how to start the process of working with a locum agency for work in Wales
To get started with a locum Agency in Wales you will need to sign up with Choose pharmacy, the link is available to their website is below.
Choose pharmacy must be accessed through this link:
You will then be provided with a welsh NHS email account.
Then when signing up on the website your email will say your first name/last [email protected] and must be changed to, for example: [email protected].
You will then need to have a look at the accreditations page at what’s listed to see what you have and what you will need to get, all listed below (MUR discounted obviously)
Once this has been completed you will get a confirmation and you are good to go!
As a locum agency, specialising in Locum work UK we work with the major retailers, small multiples and a smattering of independents up and down Wales.
The North of Wales being covered by Mitch and the South covered by Mark, so either way you are in good hands!
Wales is such a nice country that you might want to stay, who knows. So if you are looking for a permanent recruitment agency look no further call Chris or Grant to find out more.